How to Optimize SaaS Licenses and Cut Costs

In an era where Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions are integral to business operations, managing and optimizing SaaS licenses has become a crucial aspect of financial management. With the proliferation of various SaaS tools, organizations often find themselves grappling with redundant or underutilized licenses, leading to unnecessary costs. This guide provides actionable strategies to optimize SaaS licenses and cut costs effectively, ensuring that your organization gets the most value from its software investments.

1. Conduct an Inventory of SaaS Applications


The first step in optimizing SaaS licenses is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the software applications currently in use within your organization. This involves creating a detailed inventory of all SaaS applications, including subscription details, usage patterns, and associated costs.

Steps to Implement

  • Audit Existing SaaS Applications: Conduct a thorough audit to list all SaaS applications being used across departments. Include details such as subscription plans, renewal dates, and user counts.
  • Utilize Discovery Tools: Employ SaaS discovery tools that can automatically identify and catalog applications in use. Tools like BetterCloud and Zylo can assist in this process.
  • Categorize Applications: Organize applications by function, department, and criticality. This will help identify redundant or non-essential tools.


  • Enhanced Visibility: Provides a clear view of all software applications, helping to identify opportunities for consolidation or elimination.
  • Improved Management: Facilitates better management of software assets by keeping track of all subscriptions and renewals.

2. Analyze Usage and Identify Redundancies


Once you have a comprehensive inventory, the next step is to analyze the usage patterns of each application. Identifying underutilized or redundant applications is crucial for optimizing licenses and reducing costs.

Steps to Implement

  • Track Usage Data: Use SaaS usage tracking tools like Toggl Track or Time Doctor to monitor how frequently applications are used and by whom.
  • Review Application Performance: Evaluate the performance and impact of each application. Determine if multiple tools are serving similar functions and if there are opportunities for consolidation.
  • Gather User Feedback: Solicit feedback from users about the effectiveness and necessity of each application. This can provide insights into which tools are underused or unnecessary.


  • Cost Savings: Identifies applications that are not being used effectively, allowing for license reductions or eliminations.
  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlines software usage by consolidating tools with overlapping functionalities.

3. Negotiate with Vendors


Negotiating with SaaS vendors can lead to significant cost savings. Vendors are often willing to offer discounts or flexible terms, especially for long-term commitments or bulk purchases.

Steps to Implement

  • Review Current Contracts: Examine existing contracts and agreements to understand the terms and conditions. Identify any areas where negotiation may be possible.
  • Leverage Usage Data: Use the data collected from usage analysis to negotiate better terms. For example, if you’re using only a fraction of the features in a subscription plan, use this information to negotiate a lower tier.
  • Seek Volume Discounts: If your organization subscribes to multiple applications from the same vendor or has a large number of users, inquire about volume discounts or enterprise pricing.


  • Cost Reduction: Potentially lower subscription costs through effective negotiation.
  • Better Terms: Obtain more favorable contract terms, such as flexible payment options or additional features at no extra cost.

4. Implement a Centralized SaaS Management System


A centralized SaaS management system helps streamline the administration of software licenses, ensuring better control and oversight of SaaS applications across the organization.

Steps to Implement

  • Adopt a Management Platform: Invest in a SaaS management platform like Cledara or Blissfully to centralize the management of all SaaS applications.
  • Establish Governance Policies: Create and enforce policies for SaaS acquisition, usage, and renewal. Ensure that all departments follow these guidelines.
  • Automate Processes: Utilize automation features within the management platform to handle tasks such as license renewals and access management.


  • Improved Oversight: Provides a single point of control for managing all SaaS applications, reducing administrative overhead.
  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures adherence to organizational policies and licensing agreements.

5. Adopt a Usage-Based Licensing Model


Switching to a usage-based licensing model can align costs more closely with actual usage, leading to potential cost savings for applications that are not used consistently.

Steps to Implement

  • Evaluate Usage Patterns: Analyze the usage patterns of your SaaS applications to determine if a usage-based model would be more cost-effective.
  • Negotiate Usage-Based Terms: Discuss with vendors the possibility of switching to a usage-based licensing model. This might involve paying based on the number of users, transactions, or data usage.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor usage to ensure that the usage-based model remains cost-effective and make adjustments as needed.


  • Cost Efficiency: Aligns costs with actual usage, potentially reducing expenses for applications with variable or low usage.
  • Scalability: Allows for scalability, as costs adjust based on actual usage.

6. Optimize User Access and Permissions


Managing user access and permissions effectively can help control costs and ensure that only authorized users are consuming valuable software resources.

Steps to Implement

  • Review Access Levels: Regularly review and adjust user access levels to ensure that users have the appropriate permissions based on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Implement Role-Based Access Control: Use role-based access control (RBAC) to assign permissions based on user roles. This helps prevent unnecessary access to premium features or services.
  • Conduct Periodic Audits: Perform periodic audits of user access and permissions to identify and remove any redundant or unnecessary access.


  • Cost Control: Prevents unnecessary or excessive usage of licensed features.
  • Enhanced Security: Reduces the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

7. Consolidate and Streamline SaaS Applications


Consolidating and streamlining SaaS applications involves reducing the number of tools in use by selecting multipurpose solutions or eliminating redundant applications.

Steps to Implement

  • Identify Multipurpose Tools: Look for software solutions that offer multiple functionalities in one platform, reducing the need for separate applications.
  • Eliminate Redundancies: Assess overlapping tools and eliminate those that provide redundant features or services.
  • Encourage Standardization: Promote the use of standardized tools across departments to simplify management and reduce licensing costs.


  • Cost Savings: Reduces the number of licenses required by consolidating tools.
  • Simplified Management: Streamlines software management and reduces administrative complexity.

8. Regularly Review and Adjust Subscription Plans


Regularly reviewing and adjusting subscription plans ensures that your organization is using the most appropriate and cost-effective plans for its needs.

Steps to Implement

  • Conduct Regular Reviews: Schedule periodic reviews of subscription plans to assess their relevance and effectiveness based on current usage and needs.
  • Adjust Plans as Needed: Upgrade or downgrade subscription plans based on usage patterns and organizational changes. For example, move to a lower-tier plan if fewer features are needed.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with changes in pricing models and available plans to ensure you are taking advantage of the most cost-effective options.


  • Cost Efficiency: Ensures that your organization is not overpaying for unnecessary features or services.
  • Alignment with Needs: Adjusts subscription plans to align with current usage and requirements.

9. Leverage Employee Feedback for Optimization


Gathering feedback from employees who use SaaS applications can provide valuable insights into software effectiveness and areas for improvement.

Steps to Implement

  • Conduct Surveys: Use surveys or feedback forms to collect input from employees about the usability, effectiveness, and necessity of SaaS applications.
  • Analyze Feedback: Review and analyze feedback to identify trends and common issues. This information can guide decisions about which applications to keep, modify, or eliminate.
  • Act on Insights: Use the feedback to make informed decisions about software usage, including potential consolidations or adjustments to subscription plans.


  • Informed Decisions: Provides insights into how well software applications meet user needs, leading to more informed optimization decisions.
  • Increased Satisfaction: Enhances user satisfaction by addressing issues and improving the overall software experience.

10. Implement a SaaS Governance Framework


A SaaS governance framework helps establish policies and procedures for managing SaaS applications and licenses effectively. It ensures that software usage aligns with organizational goals and compliance requirements.

Steps to Implement

  • Develop Governance Policies: Create policies for SaaS acquisition, usage, renewal, and compliance. Define roles and responsibilities for managing SaaS applications.
  • Establish Approval Processes: Implement approval processes for acquiring new SaaS applications to ensure they meet organizational criteria and avoid unnecessary purchases.
  • Monitor Compliance: Regularly monitor compliance with governance policies and address any issues or deviations.


  • Structured Management: Provides a structured approach to managing SaaS applications and licenses.
  • Improved Compliance: Ensures adherence to organizational policies and reduces the risk of non-compliance.


Optimizing SaaS licenses and cutting costs requires a strategic approach that involves understanding your current software landscape, analyzing usage patterns, negotiating with vendors, and implementing effective management practices. By conducting a thorough inventory, analyzing usage data, negotiating better terms, and streamlining applications, organizations can achieve significant cost savings and improve their overall software management. Adopting a governance framework and regularly reviewing subscription plans further ensures that your SaaS investments align with organizational needs and financial goals.

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